Terms + Conditions


Your booking with Saddle Grape & Grain is deemed to be a “Package” as defined by the 2018 Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangement Regulations 2018. To constitute as a package at least two of these three elements must be offered.

(a) transport

(b)  overnight accommodation

(c)  other tourist services not ancillary to transport or accommodation and accounting for a significant proportion of the package.

Your contract incorporates these Booking Conditions and by making a booking with us you confirm your acceptance of these Booking Conditions.


To read and download our full terms and conditions in PDF document form, click here.


A. Booking and Payment

A1. Your Reservation

A1.1 When you make a booking and pay your deposit or full payment (as applicable), we will reserve your trip on the basis of these Booking Conditions. Your booking will be taken as confirmed in respect of all persons named on your booking and a binding contract between us will come into existence only when we send confirmation of your booking by e mail. Prior to doing so, you may receive a verbal confirmation over the phone that your booking has been received. Any such provisional verbal confirmation simply indicates that we are dealing with your booking request and is not a confirmation of it. We will usually be able to send a confirmation by e mail within 48 hours. Please contact us if for whatever reason you have not received confirmation from us within this timescale. We reserve the right to refuse a booking without giving any reason and in such circumstances will return any monies paid at the time of booking.

A1.2 Please check your confirmation e mail and the attached Booking Conditions as soon as you receive them. Contact us immediately if any information appears to be incorrect or incomplete. Whilst we will do our best to rectify any inaccuracies, you will be responsible for any costs incurred if you fail to inform us.

A1.3 Any contract for a group booking is with the “Lead Name”, the main contact point and/or the person initiating the booking. The “lead name” is responsible for ensuring that other members of his/her group are aware of these Booking Conditions and that they consent to him/her acting on their behalf in dealings with us.

A2. Our Price Policy, Payment Terms and Surcharges

A2.1 We reserve the right to alter prices shown in any of our marketing literature or on our website and we will inform you of any price changes prior to e mailing you a booking confirmation. Group size can change the pricing of trips quite significantly and we try to reflect that in the final cost to you. We’d also like particularly to draw your attention to the clause A2.4 below in relation to surcharges.

A2.2 In order to secure your place on a trip, you are required to pay a deposit which will vary depending on the trip that you wish to book. Please note that your booking is not confirmed until we receive your deposit payment. The final balance payment for your trip is due 10 weeks prior to departure. If your balance payment is not received by the due date, we reserve the right to cancel your booking and retain any deposit amount that you have paid.

A2.3 At this early stage of Saddle Grape & Grain, payment can only be made via a secure payment system. We do not accept credit card payment at this time.

A2.4 Changes in ferry costs (including the cost of fuel) or supplier costs mean that we reserve the right to alter the price of your trip even after the issue of our Confirmation Invoice. No alteration shall be made to the price of your trip within 30 days of the trip commencing. We will absorb and you will not be charged for any increase equivalent to 2% or less of the total price of your trip (excluding any amendment charges). You will be charged for the amount over and above that. If this means that you have to pay an increase of more than 10% of the total price of your trip (excluding any amendment charges), you will have the option of either

A2.4.1 accepting a change to an alternative trip if we are able to offer it. If any alternative trip is of higher quality you will not have to pay more but if it is of lower quality you will be refunded the difference in price, or

A2.4.2 cancelling and receiving a full refund of all monies paid, except for any amendment charges. Should you decide to cancel for this reason, you must exercise your right to do so within 14 days of receiving details of our surcharges

A2.4.3 bike hire through us is a separate arrangement and is made at the cost to us with the addition of transportation of the bikes to the start and back from the end of the trip.

If due to changes in costs etc as mentioned above, the price of your trip goes down by more than 2% of the total price of your trip (excluding any amendment charges), then any refund due will be paid to you.

B. Changes & Cancellation by Us


B1.1 We hope and expect to be able to provide you with all the services we have confirmed to you in our Confirmation Invoice. We plan arrangements a long time in advance of trips commencing using independent suppliers such as hotels and transport providers etc., over whom we have no direct control. On occasions changes do have to be made, and we reserve the right to make these. Most of these changes are minor and, in particular, we will normally regard changes to itineraries, programmes and accommodation suppliers, to be minor changes. However, if we consider any changes to be a “Significant Change” we will endeavour to advise you as soon as reasonably possible. A Significant Change includes, purely by way of example, a change of accommodation to that of a lower category and/or price or a significant change of destination because of ferry changes.

B1.2 In the case of a Significant Change before your departure we will provide you with three alternatives:

B1.2.1 alternative trip of equivalent or of very closely similar standard and price, if available, or B1.2.2 alternative trip of a lower standard together with a refund of the difference in price; or B1.2.3 cancel your trip with a full refund of all monies paid.

In all 3 cases, compensation will be paid as detailed in clause D below unless the change occurs as a result of circumstances beyond our control where clause H1 will apply.


B2.1 In the unlikely event we need to cancel your trip we will tell you as soon as possible. However we will not cancel your trip less than 30 days before the start date unless it is for a reason outside our control as provided in clause H1. If we have to cancel your trip we will provide you with three alternatives:

B2.1.1 alternative trip of equivalent or of very closely similar standard and price, if available, or B2.1.2 alternative trip of a lower standard together with a refund of the difference in price; or B2.1.3 cancel your trip with a full refund of all monies paid.

In all 3 cases, compensation will be paid as detailed in clause D below unless the change occurs as a result of circumstances beyond our control (in which case clause H1 will apply) or we cancel as a result of your failure to pay your deposit or the balance or any other sum when due or where clause B2.2 applies.

B2.2 We regret that some trips shown on our website or in our marketing literature can only be operated if a sufficient number of people book them. If there is insufficient demand, we have the right to cancel the trip in question. If we have to do so, we will tell you as soon as possible and normally no later than 8 weeks prior to the start date. In this situation, you will then have the choice of having a full refund of all monies paid or, if possible, the same trip starting on a different date. Where we cancel for lack of numbers in accordance with this clause B2.2, no compensation or other amounts (for example, the cost of any travel arrangements you have made independently) will be payable.


Cycle touring requires a degree of flexibility on your part. Extreme weather conditions can lead to ferry crossings being cancelled, landslides can happen etc. In the circumstances changes or cancellations can be made at the last minute. Our guides will determine how best to proceed and you will be expected to comply with their instructions.

C. Changes and Cancellation by You


C1.1 If you want to change your trip arrangements in any way you must inform us in writing as soon as possible. We will try to help you, although we cannot guarantee that we will always be able to do this as changes are subject to availability at the time.

C1.2 Where we can make a change, we will charge for any additional services, facilities, or other items changed, at the price which applies on the day the change is made. In addition, we will also apply an administration charge of £20 per change for each person on the booking requiring a change together with any further costs we incur, for example with our suppliers, in making any change

C1.3 Any booking discount you may have received at the time your original booking was made may be altered or reduced whenever changes are made if such discount has since been altered, reduced or withdrawn.


C2.1 If you wish to cancel all or part of your booking, you must write to us. If some or all of your party cancel their booking or we are entitled to treat your booking as cancelled in accordance with these Booking Conditions, we will levy a cancellation charge on the scale shown in the table set out in clause D. These charges are based on the estimated cost of cancelling your arrangements and the expenses and losses we are likely to suffer if we cannot resell your place on the trip.

C2.2 If you or anyone included within your booking is unable to go for any reason or decides that he/she does not want to travel, you may be able to transfer the whole booking or the place on the booking of the person(s) concerned to someone else/other people suggested by you and acceptable to us subject to the following:

C2.3.1 You must write to us with full details of who cannot or does not want to take part in the trip and who you would like to go instead. We must receive this information at least 30 days before the trip starts.

C2.3.2 If the change can be made, you will have to pay an amendment fee of £20 per person named on the booking together with any extra costs we incur or are asked to pay in order to make the change .

C2.3.3 Anyone who takes part in a trip in place of anyone who was originally due to take part must agree to these Booking Conditions and any other requirements which apply to the booking before the change can be finalised. If the full cost of the trip should already have been paid when the change is requested but has not been, this must also be paid before the change can be finalised.

D. Charges and Compensation

The following table sets out the sums payable to us or you in the event of Significant Changes or cancellation. These sums are not payable where we have to make a Significant Change or cancel your travel arrangements as a result of:-

(a) matters outside of our control when clause H1 shall apply or

(b) where your booking was accepted 'subject to availability' or similar and the travel arrangements are not available or clause B2.2 applies

Period before start date of package in which notice of cancellation or Significant Change is received:

Cancellation 70 days or more prior to start date of package

Amount you will receive from us if we make a Significant Change

Nil - Return of Monies Paid only

Cancellation Charge if you cancel

Retention of the Deposit with a credit of this amount, less a £5 administration fee, to be applied to your Saddle Grape & Grain account. This credit can be used against a booking on any future trip and is valid for a period of 12 months. All other monies paid will be refunded using the original payment method.

Period before start date of package in which notice of cancellation or Significant Change is received:

Cancellation less than 70 days from start date.

Amount you will receive from us if we make a Significant Change

£20 per person. Return of monies paid plus £20 per person.

Cancellation Charge if you cancel

100% of total price for each person in the group who cancels

NOTE: 'Total price' means the total price payable by each person for the arrangements excluding any fees payable for any changes made by you to your booking.

E Limitations of our Liability to You

E1 We will not be liable where any failure in the performance of the contract is due to: E1.1 you; or

E1.2 a third party unconnected with the provision of the trip arrangements and where the failure is unforeseeable or unavoidable; or

E1.3 unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised; or an event which we or our suppliers, even with all due care, could not foresee or forestall.

E2 Our liability, except in cases involving death or personal injury, shall be limited to a maximum of 2 times the cost payable to us for your trip.

E3 Should you or any member of your party suffer illness, personal injury or death attributable to a third party unconnected with the provision of our services, or as a result of failures due to circumstances beyond our control, we will offer you such advice, guidance and assistance as is reasonable in the circumstances.

E4 Our liability will also be limited in accordance with and/or in an identical manner to:

E4.1 the contractual terms of the companies that provide the transportation or accommodation or other services for your trip which are incorporated into and form part of your contract with us; and

E4.2 any relevant international convention, which limit the amount of compensation that you can claim for death, injury, delay to passengers and loss, damage and delay to luggage which are incorporated into and form part of your contract with us and we are to be regarded as having all the benefit of any limitation of compensation contained in these or any other such conventions.

E5 Unless otherwise expressly indicated by us in writing, wild swimming or other excursions or activities you undertake whilst you are on the trip are not part of the trip arrangements provided by us. For any excursion or other tour that you book, your contract will be with the operator of the excursion or tour and not with us. We are not responsible for the provision of the excursion or tour or for anything that happens during the course of its provision by the operator.

E6 The provisions of clauses E1 to E5 inclusive are in addition to any other limitation of liability contained in these Booking Conditions

E7 Nothing in these Booking Conditions affect any statutory rights that you may have under the relevant jurisdiction applicable pursuant to clause H5

F. Your Responsibilities


If you have a special request, we will do our best to help, but we cannot guarantee it. Please advise us of your request at the time of booking and make sure that we are given as much detail as possible. If your special request is vital to your trip, it must be specifically agreed with us before or at the time you book. General confirmation that a special request has been noted or passed on to the supplier or the inclusion of a special request on your Confirmation Invoice or on the acknowledgement of your booking or any other documentation is not confirmation that the request will be met. Unless and until specifically confirmed in writing all special requests are subject to availability. If any additional cost is applicable, it will either be invoiced to you prior to your trip commencing or should be paid for locally.


F2.1 You are responsible for ensuring that you and all other persons included in the booking satisfy all passport, visa, travel insurance and health certificate requirements and we accept no responsibility for any refusal of travel or entry into any destination or for any liabilities, losses, delays or expenses incurred through any irregularity in such documentation. In particular many countries require that your passport is valid for at least 6 months beyond the date of travel. If you have any queries with regard to documentation and insurance requirements you must raise them with us well in advance of travel commencing.

F2.2 You are responsible for ensuring that all details passed to us for all members of your party for the purposes of your booking and documentation generally are complete and accurate. If information that you supply to us is inaccurate then you may not be allowed to take part in the trip and you will not be entitled to any compensation.

F2.3 We will send out final details of your trip a few weeks before the start date. Please ensure that you contact us if you have not receive a final itinerary and other necessary documentation 21 days before the trip commences.


F3.1 You must be aware of the inherent risks associated with cycling on and off-road. You take part at your own risk.

F3.2 All of our trips require a certain degree of physical fitness. Cycling and outdoor activity is physically demanding and it is your responsibility to ensure that you are sufficiently fit and healthy to complete your chosen package and to ensure you have the necessary skill and capability. Whilst we endeavour to give guidance as to the likely levels of fitness and experience required, it is only guidance and it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the levels of fitness and experience required for any particular trip that you book. If you are in any doubt please consult your doctor. Prior to the start of our services, you will be asked to complete a disclaimer on which you should

disclose any conditions which may affect your ability to participate in your package including any medical or health conditions (see more under F3.2) or food or other allergies. We may suggest adjustments to your chosen package or, in some cases, advise that you cancel with us in which case you will be provided with a full refund. Please note that it is your responsibility to provide all relevant information to us which is relevant to your participation. We, and those retained by us to supervise any trips, have an absolute right at any time (even after a trip has commenced) to prevent you from undertaking any particular part of the trip or the whole trip if we reasonably believe that you do not possess the necessary levels of fitness and experience. In such circumstances we shall not be liable for any losses or compensation arising.

F3.3 You must provide us with full details of any existing medical or physical problem (including unusual height or weight) or disability that may apply to any member of your group and which affect your arrangements (including, in particular, any accommodation requirements or difficulties that may be encountered in accessing buildings) at the time of booking. If in our reasonable opinion, your chosen arrangements are not suitable for the medical or physical problem or disability or you are not travelling with someone who can provide all assistance that may be required, we have the right to refuse to accept the booking or you may not be able to participate in certain parts of a trip, in which event we shall not be liable for any losses or compensation arising.

F3.4 If you do not give us full details of any medical or physical problem or disability at the time of booking and/or promptly inform us of any adverse change to or a new medical or physical problem or disability that arises after booking, then we can also cancel the booking when we find out the full details if in our reasonable opinion the arrangements are not suitable in the circumstances. If we cancel in this situation, cancellation charges as set out in clause D must be paid by the person concerned.

F3.5 We will need full details from you of your travel insurance and any illness, medication currently being taken, known medical conditions and allergies. This information must be supplied at the time of booking (if the trip commences less than 12 weeks after the date of booking and in any other event must be must be supplied to us at least 10 weeks prior to the trip commencing. This information is required purely to assist in the case of an emergency and will otherwise be kept strictly confidential.


If you are bringing your own bicycle on the trip it is important that it is appropriate for the trip, safe and well maintained. Whilst we can carry out some repairs en route, we don’t want to be in the position of holding the whole group up because we are having to repair aspects of your bicycles maintenance that should have been addressed prior to the start of the trip. Heavily worn tyres should be replaced before a trip, brakes should be working well and gears functioning properly.

The Scottish roads can be quite rough so we recommend tyres off at least 28mm width for those trips. On the South Downs wine route you will need tyres of at least 40mm width to be comfortable (although it is possible with narrower tyres). A hardtail mountain bike will be more comfortable and suitable than a ‘gravel’ bike.

There are parts of some routes in Scotland where van support is not possible because of the small size of the boats, some of which do not accommodate vehicles. You may therefore be required to carry some of your own luggage for short sections so your bike should have a suitable luggage rack or bike-packing bag carrying capability on those trips.


We consider comprehensive travel insurance to be essential and you must have such insurance to cover, in particular, illness, accident, emergency repatriation, cancellation, lost luggage and delays. Such insurance must cover you for cycling as your main activity. We require you to produce

evidence of such insurance being in place on the first day of the trip and reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled in the event of you failing to provide such evidence and you will have to pay full cancellation charges (see clause D). Travel insurance is widely available and insurance providers will have a policy available for you to purchase. Please read your policy details carefully and take them away with you. It is your responsibility to ensure that the insurance cover you purchase is suitable and adequate for your particular needs.


You must be responsible for the behaviour of yourself and your party. We can refuse to accept you as a customer or refuse to continue dealing with you and/or any other member of your group by terminating your trip if behaviour is or is likely to be, in our reasonable opinion, or in the reasonable opinion of any our suppliers, or other person in authority, disruptive, upsetting or dangerous to yourself or anyone else. We will not pay any refund, compensation or other sum whatsoever or any costs or expenses incurred by you if we have to terminate your trip due to such unacceptable behaviour or any failure to follow regulations or instructions. In this situation we will then have no further responsibility for you or any other member of your party.

It is your responsibility to get to the start point at the correct time.

G. If you Have a Complaint

If you have cause for complaint, you must bring it to our attention immediately. We will do our best to rectify the situation. If your complaint is not resolved immediately, please follow this up within 28 days of your return home by writing to us giving your booking reference and all other relevant information. Please keep your letter concise and to the point. This will assist us to quickly identify your concerns and speed up our response to you.

Read and download our full terms and conditions document here.