

In late 2022 we ran our first corporate trip. As a team-building charity event it proved to be a lot of fun, and, judging by the feedback, a big success.

There’s something about a group of people with a common interest from the get-go. In this case, eight folk from a mid-sized whisky company on a three day trip to the Western Isles. They were a diverse bunch from senior regional managers to warehouse and distillery staff, with a shared joy in cycling. But with all the post- Covid working from home and seeing each other only on zoom, it felt like old bugbears between functions and information ‘silos’ were getting in the way.

There’s nothing like a hard day in the saddle, occasionally getting drenched in Hebridean rain, followed by hot showers, dinner and a warming dram by the fire to get people talking. They loved the route, not least a spectacular single-track road by the coast, where we barely saw a car all day, ending with an optional gravel ride for those not completely knackered. From that night’s hotel it was a gentle cycle and short private sea-crossing to finish at their island distillery. By the time the group flew home that evening, the bikes had been transported back to the start.

Talk to us if you’d like to explore such a trip for your company. We take care of all the planning, and will guide the group every step of the way, one of us cycling the other driving the support van with all the luggage, food, water, energy bars ... and spare seats for anyone who’s had enough.

What they thought…

“Our Jura Cycle was incredibly memorable. It was really special to spend time with a range of people across the business – people I would not normally interact with day to day.

What struck me was how incredibly beautiful the ride was, not far out of Glasgow. The route was really well considered. It was adventurous but it was not arduous. We all shared a sense of achievement and that final arrival to Jura was quite special.

Tom and Aidan took the time to know us, to learn about our business. The quality of the support service was brilliant and made the whole trip work really well.

I left wishing we could cycle on!”

Mike Greggs, Director – Europe

“We welcome the opportunity to connect as a community, across Scotland – and beyond.

For us, we are keen to find distinctive opportunities to engage our people. The Jura Cycle Challenge delivered.

The feedback was universally positive. From the concept, to the climactic finish, Tom and Aidan shaped a really special experience.

We felt that they really took time to understand what we wanted to achieve as a business, and then to flex to our needs, whilst providing the voice of experience to what was practical to achieve.

 I’d recommend Tom and Aidan to any company looking a unique way to explore Scotch and Scotland.”

 Kieran Healey-Ryder Head of Whisky Discovery